Why Visually Guided Meditation is so Effective (And Easy)

Visually guided meditation takes thinking out of the equation

Mandalas have been used as a meditation tool for thousands of years with good reason. Mandalas provide a point of focus, a place of natural symmetry and centeredness to lose yourself in. Their color and harmony impact you energetically. In contrast, Audio based mediation apps require you to listen and process what you hear which may ultimately hinder you from achieving a meditative state because it engages your mind. Mandala Time! takes thinking out of the equation, by simply relaxing and staring you can let the Mandala induce a meditative state very quickly and effectively.

Mandala Meditation Provides Feedback that it’s Working

Often, after just a few seconds into a Mandala Mediation, one can see the colors begin to blur between the shapes of the Mandala. It can start to look three dimensional or certain shapes within the Mandala can begin to move a little. This is direct feedback that you are entering a deeper more meditative state. You may begin to feel a certain effervescence in your body, pleasant vibrational sensations. Allow this to happen and relax further and further into it.

Meditation is an act of allowing not doing. All day every day we do, do, do. We try to shape the world with our will. We are not human doings we are human beings and mediation is a time for being. As you allow the Mandala to work on you it will take you out of the realm of doing and all of its associated emotional ups and downs, and center you in the world of being. This is very nourishing physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Pick out your favorite Mandala and try it for free for as long as you want. Try it three times between 2 and five minutes and there’s a good chance you’ll begin to get the feedback I describe above. Do it a few times a day for a couple of weeks and you’ll begin to realize some of the great benefits of mediation. (For more on the benefits of mediation click here)

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