David Regan, creator of Mandala Time

David Regan, creator of Mandala Time


How it started…

David Regan is a professional artist with a dedicated meditation and mindfulness practice. As part of his interest in meditation and ancient yogic teachings, David explored modernizing mandala designs as a body of artwork using digital medium. As he created the mandalas, he noticed that they very quickly and without his intent, dropped him into a meditative state while he was working on them. Understanding that there are many people who wish to have a meditation practice in their lives but struggle with achieving a meditative state, he determined that the mandalas he was creating could be a very effective tool for people trying to learn to meditate or maintain a mediation practice. With this, Mandala Time was born. 

David has self-funded the development of Mandala Time and offers it free for use in the hope that as many people as possible can take advantage of its unique ability to induce deep and rejuvenating meditative states. 

Mandala Time enables people to raise their vibrational energy which in turn raises the vibrational energy of those around them. Energy is the root of all existence and when we raise our energy the ripples of this positive energy can be felt by those we come in contact with, our community, and beyond. David is a strong advocate of meditation believing the ancient practice has resurfaced so strongly in recent times as a way for humanity to achieve more balance, better health and overall happiness in an increasingly complex world.  

If you benefit from using Mandala Time, please share it with as many people as you can. Together we can improve lives and create a more centered, and kind humanity. 

You can see David’s artwork at www.reganartwork.com