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Energy (The Alchemical Gold)

An exploration of the Subtle.

You may notice fairly quickly when you meditate with Mandala Time! that your perceptions of the Mandala change, the colors shift and the shapes move. This is direct feedback that your consciousness is changing to a more meditative state. While that occurs you may also experience an effervescence in your body. It may feel like a pleasant vibrational energy is welling up within you. It will be subtle but allow yourself to open up to it. Allow it to grow and blossom within you. Explore its nuances and enjoy the feeling. It is the gold of transformation.

If you can relax enough and allow the vibrations to spread throughout your body you will be laying the groundwork for transformation in your life. Experiencing your own energy in this way is evidence that you are rewiring. Which means you are slowly removing your automatic conditioned behaviors (Karma) and increasing physical vitality. Changing unproductive habits and patterns will become much easier with a consistent meditation practice that includes a deep energetic experience. It will likely also improve sleep and overall health.

Meditation is an exploration of subtle feelings. Its about setting the mind aside and getting in tune with your body. Be curious about how subtle and refined your body sensations can go. Be curious about how much you can relax and how good it can feel. Get acquainted with every cell in your body. It is a subtle but amazing adventure.

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