
Two Minute Meditations Add Up (Maybe Even Multiply)


One of the great things about meditation is that it builds on itself. This means that you don’t have to sit for twenty minutes to gain the benefits of twenty minutes of meditation. Two minutes here and five minutes there throughout the day has the accumulative effect of twenty minutes of mediation. The challenge for beginners is achieving the meditative state quickly enough to realize the benefits in brief segments. With Mandala Time! you can achieve a meditative state within seconds enabling you to benefit from quick rejuvenating mediations throughout the day.

You can know you’ve achieved a meditative state by the visual effects you see while focusing on the mandala during meditation. Often, even on the first try, people see an interaction or shifting between colors of the mandala which typically happens within seconds of starting the meditation. As soon as you start to experience visual changes in the mandala you know you have entered into a deeper more centered state. (See the blog post “Why Visual Meditation is More Effective” for more info on this).

Any amount of time you exit the state of doing, doing, doing, with its emotional ups and downs and become centered, you begin to rewire. With each mediation you start to loosen the grip your automatic behaviors have on you. Which means gaining, little by little, freedom from your compulsive behavior. You create a little distance between you and your emotions, you and your habits and you and your cravings. This means more freedom. This means the ability to live more consciously instead of reactively. This means you slowly but surely turn down the volume of chatter in your head until one day there will be a moment when you notice the birds singing, the breeze blowing through the leaves, and the scent of flowers. And for that moment, its more than enough.

Try two to five minute mediations at your desk throughout the workday for two weeks and you will notice wonderful benefits. Comment on this blog and let us know how it goes!

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